Poultry Farm Requirements

Just like any other business, poultry farming needs certain requirements for optimum business operation. There are several ways of classifying amenities for poultry farming depending on the type of farming, nature/cost of requirement and farmer's point of view. It can be classified based on importance as BASIC and ADDITIONAL facility or based on cost as FIXED and VARIABLE cost. However it is being classified, certain inputs are more important than others.

Classification Of Poultry Facility
a) Based On Nature/Cost
i.) Fixed cost: These are the inputs that once they are obtained, they can be used for a long period of time without replacement but only need to be maintained. Typical example of such requirements are land, poultry house, feeders, drinkers, cages, electrical wiring and gadgets etc. 

ii.) Variable cost: They are the farm inputs that are recurrent i.e they cannot be used for very long period of time but need to be purchase at the beginning of every stocking operation. Some of such inputs are day old chicks, feed, vaccines, drugs, wood shaving etc.

b.) Based On Importance
i.) Basic Facility: As we have basic amenities like water, electricity and food in human realm, there are certain things that poultry Birds can never do without. The farmer will have to purchase or find a way of improvising such facility. They are very essential and must be available for birds welfarism. Feeders, drinkers, vaccines, drugs, housing, feeds and wood shavings are basic facilities.

ii.) Additional Facility: Any materials other than the aforementioned ones can be classified as additional facility as far as they can make farming operation easy. The quantity of the facility required will be the function of the type and quantity of birds stocked. There are several categories in poultry farming. Let us consider meat production (broiler farming), taking 100 broilers for example. Below are the quotation of facility required for 100 broilers apart from Housing facility:

* 100 day old chicks (DOCs): The price of this can vary based on demand and season like festive period. It normally ranges between 150 to 400 Naira per chick.

* Feed: The two Types of Feed for broilers are Starter feed to be consumed for the first 4 weeks and finisher feed to be eaten within 5-8 weeks. A broiler needs about 2.1 kg of starter feed and 2.9 kg of finisher feed. 100birds will require about 210kg of starter and 290kg of finisher feed.

* Feeder: For the chicks of day 1 to 10, feeding tray is used while round or straight feeder is used for the chicks above day 10 to Avoid Feed Wastage. A tray is sold around #250 while round feeder ranges from #250 to #700 depending on its size. For 100 birds, at least 5 trays/8 big round feeders are required.

* Drinker: This serves as cup for the birds. 100 broilers need at least 5 small or 3 big drinkers. Plastic bowl and iron cover can also be used for broilers from 3 weeks above.

* Vaccines: The main vaccine for broiler are Gumboro and LaSota. Read more about Broiler Vaccination Schedule.

* Drugs: The four basic drugs for broilers are antibiotics, antiviral, Anticoccidiosis and multivitamins. Read more broiler medication Here.

* Wood shaving is required for bedding.

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  3. Stress is a major cause of concern and also a danger to the poultry’s health. It may sound ridiculous to think about a flock of stressed ducks and chicken but it is a reality and the consequences of this can be severe. The extreme cause of poultry stress may end up in serious health issues sometimes even leading to death. But good news is List of Poultry Medicine Companies in India will helps to Save Your Poultry from Stress. Reach out to the best vet companies in India if you wish to purchase high-quality supplements and feed additives for your poultry.


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