Feed And Space Requirement For Broiler

Feed and space are essential factors that should be properly monitored for profitable commercial broiler production. Poor or inadequate feed can lead to poor growth, runts, diseases and infections. Space should be just enough for optimum broiler production as inadequate space promotes overcrowding, Heat Stress and high temperature-related infections. For a sensitive farmer, there are many methods of determining the required space and the quality, quantity of feed for broilers at different age. This is being based on the practical experience and in-depth research.

Feed Requirement
There are two major types of feed for broilers: the broiler starter and the broiler finisher. The difference between the two is in their protein content. Starter is more proteinous than finisher... Read More on types of feed.
The broiler feed conversion ratio is 2 i.e your broiler can use 3 kg of feed to develop 1.5 kg of meat, if all thing being equal.
It is simple to determine the quantity of feed required by your birds. A bird will need at least 5 kg of feed from day old till table size of about 2.5 kg. A bird needs about 2 kg of starter and 3 kg of finisher feed. Having explain that, you can determine the quantity of feed required by multiplying the number of your birds by 2 kg of starter and 3 kg of finisher, e.g 100 broilers need 100 * 2kg of starter i.e 200kg and 100 * 3kg of finisher i.e 300kg. Although, there are other ways life formula method and weekly basis calculation but the real trick is that the more you feed your broilers, the big they are. Just avoid or minimize FEED WASTAGE.

How To Determine The Space Requirement
There are many recommendations as per space needed by a broiler. This is a function of the type of poultry house you are using. If you use floor system, a bird will need like 1.5 feet square, the space occupied by feeders and drinkers considered. In cage system, a bird will need like 1.1 feet square. This shows that 100 birds need like 150 square feet in floor system and 110 feet square in cage system. It is not advisable to load your poultry house beyond its carrying capacity.
Apart from these two factors, there are other PARAMETERS to be considered for optimum and profitable broiler production.

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