Types Of Poultry Feed

Just as human being need balanced diet that is made up of different classes of food, birds require different types of feed at different stages of growth. Below are the types of feed given to broilers, layers and cockerels.

1. Feed for Broilers
A. Broiler Starter: This is high in protein, about 22-24% Digestible Crude Protein (DCP), and energy. It is given from day old until 4-6 weeks old. At this stage, a chick needs at least 2.65kg of feed. 
B. Broiler Finisher: This is expected to contain about 18-20% DCP depending on the marketing target of the farmer. It has a lower protein and energy content than starter. It is given from about 4-6 weeks until targeted table weight is attained.
Since broilers are meant for meat production, they require feed with a higher content of DCP. A bird will need within 2.5kg to 4kg at this stage of their life. Therefore, you will need the followings to make 70 kg of broiler starter.
* Whole maize = 40 kg
* Fish meal (Omena) = 12 kg
* Soya beans = 14 kg
* Lime = 4 kg

2. Feed for Laying Birds
A. Starter: This class of feed should have about 18-20 DCP. Layers can be given broiler starter in their chick stage. This is given for the first 8 weeks. They can also be given chick mash. A chick will need about 1.2kg at this stage. 
B. Grower Feed: This feed should have 16-18% DCP. Given from 8 to 20 weeks or when 5-10% of the birds start laying. About 5.2 kg of feed is required at this growing level.
C. Layers Feed: This feed should at least contain 18% DCP. It is introduced when 5-10% of the birds start laying and it is given until the birds are sold. A chick needs at least 5.2kg of feed and then 150g per day at laying period. 
To make 70 kg of layers feed which contains at least 18% DCP to meet nutritional requirement, you will need to mix:
* 34 kg of whole maize
* 12 kg of Soya
* 8 kg of omena
* 10 kg of maize bran and
* 6 kg of Lime (as a calcium source)

3. Feed for Cockerels
Unlike the other two poultry birds, cockerel do not really need high DCP. Broiler Starter can be given for the first 6 weeks. Then, low quality or cheap feed can be served after 6 weeks. The farmer may formulate a cheap feed from soyabean meal, groundnut cake, maize, palm kernel cake and vitamin mineral premix. Other way round, the cockerel can be allowed to free-range feeding and supplement that with small quantity of high quality commercially packaged feed.
Cockerels are less productive in terms of meat increase. Farmers can constitute feeds with a DCP of between 15 –16 %. A bird needs 5.2kg starter, 250g per day grower and 265g per day finisher.  The following recipes are needed to make 70 kg of the feed.
* Whole maize = 34 kg
* Soya bean = 12 kg
* Omena = 8 kg
* Maize bran = 10 kg
* Lime = 6 kg

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