
Showing posts from August, 2018

How To Generally Prevent Poultry Diseases

One of the major challenges in poultry business is disease/infection of the birds. It negatively affect the growth, development and even farmer's profit. Poultry are kept for various reasons like being a source of meat, income and job opportunity. It can be kept by anyone, even in your backyards. Poultry disease is not only caused by pathogens. There are other important factors that should be properly attended to. The factors are MANAGEMENT, ENVIRONMENT and CHICKEN BREED. Healthy birds eat less feed and produce more meat and eggs. They are not only cost effective but also less trouble to cater for. Spread Of Diseases Poultry diseases spread quickly as the birds are kept together in a chicken house or cage. They share things like feeders and water bowls together which can spread infection from sick birds to healthy ones. As earlier said, factors that can contribute to poultry diseases are Management, Environment and Chicken breed. Let's now discuss the factors one after

Essential Nutrients For Poultry

This article mainly consider mineral and vitamins as the essential nutrients for poultry. In the context of nutrition, a mineral is a chemical element required as an essential nutrient by organisms to perform functions necessary for life. Minerals originate in the earth and cannot be made by living organisms while Wikipedia defines a vitamin as an organic molecule (or related set of molecules) which is an essential micronutrient. That is, a substance which an organism needs in small quantities for the proper functioning of its metabolism but cannot synthesize, either at all or in sufficient quantities, and therefore must obtain through its diet. One of the major problem related to domestic and commercial poultry farming is poor or inadequate feeding programme which results to vitamin and mineral deficiencies for the birds. This leads to deficiency diseases, especially when formulated feed are not used. Minerals Minerals are important to the growth, development and overall health of

How To Diagnose Poultry Infections From Their Poops

The two major types of poultry dropping are normal and abnormal poops. Although, the chicken droppings (poops) can vary in shapes, colours, textures and even odour. The Main factor that contribute to that may be as a result of diet in their feeds or diseases/infections. The atmospheric conditions may be a collaborating factor as chicken drink more water in hot weather which can make their droppings watery. By close observation, one will be able to determine if there is health problem among the birds. This may not be 100% accurate but it majorly gives insight of necessary steps to take in poultry health management. This article will be helpful in analysis of normal droppings according to the diet and other factors for you not worry unnecessarily. Normal dropping is of shade of brown, solid with a small covered white on top. The solid part is the feaces while the white part is the uric acid (urine). Other colours of droppings may range from brown to green, yellow, black, blue, orange, wa