Commercial Cockerel Farming

Cockerels are the young roosters, the male counterparts of the layers (meant for egg production) which reach maturity within 5 to 6 months of age. Before the discovery of modern broiler, cockerels were the meat producers while the hen lays eggs for chicks or table purpose. Since hatcheries produced separate hybrids for meat and egg productions, the pullets (layers) are kept for egg production while the cockerels given out at a very cheap price. Thinking of commercial meat production, most farmers do not consider cockerel for some reasons. Some of the reasons for rejecting the cockerels on commercial quantity are:
1. Slow growth rate.
2. Low feed conversion rate.
3. Non tender meat at maturity.

Even with the above reasons, there are still advantageous features of the Cockerels over Broilers. Good features of cockerels are as follow:

1. Cost of chicks is very low which enhances more profit.
2. Cockerels are strong and therefore easier to raise.
3. Meat from cockerels possess better taste due to their age at maturity.
4. Cockerels can easily be raised on free range system.
5. Many consumers have preference for tougher meat at home.

With respect to the above features, cockerels can be commercially raised in two grades which are Juveniles and Roosters. Juvenile cockerels have to do with brooding of day old chicks till they are 4 week old when they can be sold out to other backyard farmers who cannot withstand the stress of brooding process. Keeping of Roosters involve rearing of the birds for about 20 to 24 weeks. By then, they are matured cockerels ready for consumption having the body weight of about 2.5 kg when all things are being equal.

Feed Requirement
Cockerel chicks do not consume much feed like broiler chicks. Within the period of Day 1 to Day 28, they will consume about 750g of chick starter feed to gain about 365g body weight. The quantity of feed required in raising a juvenile to roaster will depend on the type of housing system as juveniles can be kept using free range, deep litter or cage system.
In free range, the juveniles are allowed to freely move within a secluded place where they can forage and feed on insects. the farmer supplement their feed with maize offal, grain or food left over. This housing system really beat down the cost of keeping cockerels.
The birds can be kept from day old to maturity on the deep litter system. Feed requirement must be balance because the birds are restricted. By the 24th week, a cock would have consumed about 12kg of low crude digestible protein feed which can be formulated from finisher concentrate, wheat offal, corn bran and cheap grains. Read more about Feed Types.
With cage system of management, cages could be locally constructed, wooden or galvanized battery cages. The birds must attain a minimum of 12 weeks before they are introduced into galvanized cage. The cocks raised on the cage system will be more uniform in growth and attain better weight gain earlier than those raised on the floor. Your birds need the same quantity of feed as by those raised in deep litter system. Read more on Poultry Housing System.

Space Requirement
As earlier explained, cockerels are stronger than broilers and therefore can withstand stress than broilers. They therefore require less space. A cockerel needs about 1 sqft in deep litter system and about 0.4 sqft in cage system. The required space can vary based on geographical location and weather. More space could be required during hot season. Besides, it is necessary to always supply cold water to your birds during hot period to prevent Heat Stress.

Handling Of Roosters
Cocks have powerful beak, claws and spurs. They could therefore attack and defend by pecking scratching. Conditions can necessitate beak and spur trimming to avoid cannibalism and injury. Read more about Beak And Claw Trimming. To avoid injury, you can wear hand glove when attempting to handle them.
Aside from all this features of cockerel, there is need for cockerel Health Management through medication and vaccination program which will be discussed in our next article. Be looking forward!

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