Intensive Poultry System: The Pros And Cons

Intensive (contained) poultry housing system allow the farmer to have more control over Feed Maximization, disease control and protection of the birds against predators. There are several methods attached to this system ranging from deep litter to raised floor and makeshift caging system which can be used in a backyard or standard roof. This article may focus on small scope poultry business but its concepts can be applicable to large project. With the explanation, it shows that there are three types of intensive system and they are explained as follow:

1.) Deep - litter system
A properly managed deep litter system provides good environment for the high quality breeds and a good source of manure. Litter has to be changed as at when due and kept dry always to prevent quick spread of diseases or infections. Advantages of deep litter system includes:

* Previous studies showed that if all being equal, layers produce more eggs on deep litter than in cage system.
* It allows the bird to dust itself to get rid of ECTOPARASITES like lice and mites.
* It is a good source of manure which can be used in cultivation of rice, cereals and vegetables when applied correctly.
* It is a good insulation that protects chicken from cold and birds can nestle in it to reach the cool floor when it is hot.
* It provides adaptable traditional night shelter to the birds.
* It is relatively cheaper to maintain compared to cage system.

Even with all these advantages, there are disadvantages of deep litter system. Some of these are as follow:

* It is inappropriate in areas of humidity around 80 to 90% as damp litter spread disease quickly.
* It requires more labour than any other contained systems.
* There is high chance of COCCIDIOSIS  and WORM INFESTATION as the birds have access to their droppings.
* It is sometimes difficult to obtain adequate litter.
Weighing the pros and cons of deep litter system, it can then be recommended for both meat and egg production.

2.) Raised floor System
Floor of poultry house, raised about 3ft above the ground, made of wire mesh, expanded metal or wooden slats is referred Raised floor system. The birds droppings need to be collected frequently and treated accordingly. Advantages of this system are:

* It is healthier than deep litter system as it reduces disease transmission through fecal matter.
* It is suitable for a few birds than deep litter.
* It sometimes cheaper to build than deep litter.

Some of its demerits are:
* It cannot be used to brood young chicks as it is not insulated. Separate brooder is therefore required.
* Unless it is built under shade, it is not suitable for hot dry climate as well as too cold season.
* Droppings can attract flies and cause foul smell when not properly managed.
* It probably lower the egg production than deep litter.
This system is therefore recommended in humid areas where it is difficult to get litter materials and when construction cost is lower. It can be used for broilers and layers.

3.) Cage System
Cages allow maximum control as they can be used for any number of birds with little stress compare to other system. The construction cost developed to the desired size of flocks. Some of its advantages are:

* More birds can be kept in a building than other systems.
* Less labour per bird is required.
* Poor layers can easily be identified and culled to save feed.
* Cages can be placed under existing roof, thus requires no new building.
* It promotes fewer disease problems transmitted by fecal matter, problems of ectoparasites is also easier to manage.
* It lasts longer if well constructed.

Some of the disadvantages of this system are:
* Cages are hard and expensive to construct properly.
* It involves high initial capital per bird.
* The feed must contain all needed Vitamins and Minerals for the birds.
* There is tendency of having more broken eggs than in deep litter system.

Recommendation: Cage system is good for highly humid area, when farmer have large flock of layers, where labour cost is high and where parasites are problem. Cages are good for layers but not generally recommended for broilers.

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