How To Improve Birds Feeding Efficiency

Feed efficiency has to do with the utilization of digested feed and feed conversion ratio in broilers or other birds like cockerels, layers, pheasant, turkey and so on. Do not mistake feed wastage with feed efficiency. Improved feed efficiency also improve profitability, feed should have all necessary diets like digestible crude protein, amino acid and fibre contents. Below are some of the tips of improving the broiler feed efficiency.

1. Keeping The Birds Healthy
Sick birds do not grow fast which shows that feed efficiency is not ideal. This is because sick birds don't eat much as healthy birds, they even use the little they eat to fight diseases. They can even consume muscle protein which will enhance reduction in body weight. Birds should be thoroughly medicated and vaccinated to stay healthy. Cleanliness of the poultry environment should also be attended to.

2. Avoiding Hot Spot In The Feed Silos
Mold growth easily occur to the feed store in an uncleaned silos during warm climate. Feed becomes toxic and unpalatable as molds consume valuable nutrients and produce mycotoxins. Silos must be thoroughly inspected and cleaned at regular intervals. Adding toxin binders could be helpful but not enough to prevent effects of molds completely.

3. Lights Switching
Feed digestibility is encouraged by proper lighting program like 22hrs light and 2hrs darkness at the early stage. At later stage, light can be switched at interval of 1 to 2 hours to give birds proper time for digestion of the feed consumed. Feeders and Drinkers should be arranged in such a way that all birds can feed at the same time without fight or struggle.

4. Using The Right Feeders
It is good to use a correct feeder either round or straight feeder to improve the feed efficiency by minimizing feed waste.  Feeders should be properly arranged to reduce the bird's struggle to feed. Drinkers should close to feeders but not too close to spoil the feed.

5. Avoid Heavy Body Weight At Market Age
One should meet the specification of the contracting partner in term of the weight required. The higher the body weight, the higher the quantity to feed consumed because the bird will have larger system to maintain. Find the minimum market weight required as this will maximize the feed efficiency.

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