Why do Poultry Farming Business Fail?

Poultry farming business is a capital intensive business that mainly survive on huge monetary input or reliable partnership but that does not mean you cannot start from scratch. One can start as a backyard farmer and develop it to large scale over time. The most important tools you need is technical know-how. It is more fulfilling to start your own business and finally become your own boss with ease. With increase in population and demand for poultry products as source of protein, poultry farming is one of the most lucrative business in the world. Many people start from the scratch and succeed in the business while others start in commercial quantity but quit in their first or second year of operation. Before starting your own business, there are things you have to avoid for you to succeed. Below are some of the reasons why some poultry farmers fail in their business endeavours:

1. Training
You may not need a university degree to be a successful poultry farmer but it is mandatory to spend some time, get trained by some of the experts in the industry and learn poultry management intensively. The main problem is that if you get into poultry farming without proper training, you will not go far unless you quickly employ the service of an expert. You can still get the training from a resource person close to you at cheap price.

2. Feasibility Study
The first line of action is a feasibility study. Most people start business without first conducting feasibility study. In poultry farming, you need to study the environmental conditions, the best suppliers the required input, your regional market and the business influencers in your area. With a proper feasibility study, you will be able decide which breed of bird to keep and who to run to in time of help.

3. Poor Housing System
Overcrowding is the stocking of birds beyond carrying capacity of a given space. It prevents air circulation and therefore promotes heat stress which may lead to other critical health issues like disease spread. It could be costly to set up a poultry house but it is better to go for something good for your business. Provide your birds with adequate space so that you can expand the number of your birds over period of poultry operation. It is necessary to consider the rain and sun directions when siting your poultry pen, use east-west geometry to prevent direct rain and sun entering into the poultry house.

4. Cost of Farm Inputs
Feed covers about 75% of the entire cost of production. Day old chicks also increase in price due to season period. With increase in cost of feeds, farmers find it difficult to feed their flock to maturity. In poultry farming for commercial meat production, broilers mature 35-58 days. To achieve that, they must be properly fed. It is then important to set enough capital aside for feeds throughout the stocking time. In short, a farmer should be financially ready before going into the business.

5. Negligence
Keeping of poisonous chemicals or substances within the reach of your birds is an act of negligence. Most chemicals like pesticides, herbicides and rat poisons are deadly to your birds. The best prevention is to avoid using such items around anywhere within your birds' range. It is advisable to do all disinfection and prevention before stocking the birds. All spaces that can allow entrance of rats should be blocked, not to be killed by poison.

6. Marketing Plan
It is not only a weakness on the side of most farmers to start looking for buyers when the birds are matured but also a poor marketing strategy. Seeking the help of the middlemen could unprofitable as must of them do not pay on time. The middlemen get high profit on the products you sold to them at cheap rate. So, the farmer lose or get little profit. It is therefore necessary you get a link to direct buyers like meat processing plants, caterers or restaurants even before your birds reach table size.
Social Media Marketing platforms could be of great help. Create a Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Business Page where you can publish posts, update farmers with poultry tips, share quality ideas and market your products to your followers. Best wishes!

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