Feed And Space Requirement For Turkey

Just like Broilers, turkeys are meant for commercial meat production but they are bigger than broiler; they therefore demand more space and feed requirement. Added advantage is that turkeys cannot only lay eggs but also hatch the eggs on their own. Farmer just need to move away the Poults from the turkey for Proper Brooding Of The Poults. Good feeding program helps rapid growth while accurate spacing prevents overcrowding which can cause pecking and cannibalism. In the presence of other factors like good Biosecurity, quality air flow and perfect turkey breed, proper feeding and spacing program enhance commercial turkey farming.

Feed Requirement
The types of feed required by turkey are just classified based on their protein content. The quantity of feed required depends on the breed and age. Small White do not consume much feed like Large White or Large Breasted Bronze.
Based on feed protein content, a poult of day old to 8 weeks feed on turkey starter feed with 28% protein. 22% protein feed for turkey between 8 to 12 week old, 19% protein between 12 to 16 week old and 16% protein feed from 16 week old till market size. The table below shows the quantity of feed required per bird according to the breed and age.

* Cumulative feed consumed is the total feed consumed till date.
* The unit of measurement is in lbs (pound) which can be converted to kilogram by multiplying the figure by 0.454.
* Since the energy and protein requirements for the both male and female turkey vary, they must be reared separately for better results. The female turkeys need layers mash once they start laying.

Space Requirement
The space required by a turkey depends on the bird's age and the type of Housing System. In deep litter housing system, a turkey needs 0.8-1.0 squarefoot for the first 8 weeks of life, 1.5-2.0 sqft for 8-16 week old, 2.0-2.5 sqft for 16-20 week old and 3.0-5.0 sqft from 20 week old till they are being sold. This is due to increase in feeders and drinkers space needed as the body size is increasing.
After brooding period, they can be released to extensive (free range) system with secure and monitoring facilities. Semi intensive housing system can also be employed to complement feeding and housing requirements and therefore promotes more profit making for the farmers.

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Cited Works
1. Poultry Housing System, All About Broiler, Layers Feed and Space Requirements - https://artibfarm.blogspot.com
2. Turkey brooding and management - https://extension.umaine.edu/


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