Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS)

Sudden death syndrome is a form of metabolic disorder that has to do with a condition in which a physically healthy fast growing broiler chicks suddenly die from no apparent causes. It is usually accompanied with a short wing beating convulsion prior to the death so that many affected birds are found lying on their back. It is therefore called 'flip over disease' but that does not mean that dead birds cannot lie on the chest, due to flaccid paralysis. SDS has been one of the major problem in broiler industry in many parts of the world as it can affect the bird of all ages started from day 2 till the market age. Peak mortality normally occur between 3 to 4 weeks of age. Also, it affects male birds than female counterpart. In most cases, it majorly attacks fast growing broilers due to heart failure or fat build up around liver and lungs.

Causes Of SDS
The cause of SDS is not clear, but it is believed to be a metabolic disease related to high carbohydrate intake. There are others which can be classified into managemental, nutritional and dietary factors that can contribute to SDS but the major ones are discussed as follow:
* Fat deposition around the liver and heart regions may lead to fatty liver and sudden death.
* Sudden noise and high intensity lighting appear to increase incidence of SDS.
* The level and type of the fat in the diet may contribute.
* Stress, especially Heat Stress, can also induce SDS in broilers.
* Feed poisoning by mycotoxins and other animal pests like rats can influence SDS.

Prevention Of SDS
There is no definite treatment for SDS but certain preventive measures could be taken based on the causes. Some of the measures are:
* The incidence of sudden death syndrome can be minimized by slowing the growth rate of broilers. This could be done by controlling nutrient intake or by reducing hours of light per day.
* One should take cognizance of the ventilation within the pen. If one is able to reduce the pen temperature by any means that would help the birds to manage the stress.
* Since fat deposition around the liver and heart regions may lead to sudden death, reducing the energy and protein level in the diet or limiting the amount of feed provided could be necessary.
* Sudden noise and high light intensity should be controlled to reduce incidence of SDS.
* When you notice heat stress in your birds, add Electrolytes to their drinking water.
* Carbohydrates intake of the birds should be monitored not to be excessive.
* Finally, optimum biosecurity must be exercised to prevent spread of diseases that can influence SDS.

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