Feed And Space Requirement For Noiler

Noilers are basically raised for meat even though they also lay eggs. Their meat is tougher than that of broiler but not as that of local chicken. Noilers are multi coloured compared to broilers which are mainly white and the pullets that are mostly brown. As at now, Noilers can only be found (as Amo Noiler) at the Amo farm located in Awe area of Oyo in Oyo State.

a) Feed Requirement
Amo Noiler feed on the same feeds used for other birds but were limited to chickmash and grower mash. The birds eat more than other breeds but they are good converters of feeds because the weight is higher than that of cockerel at maturity. There are Male and Female lines of Amo Noiler. The females start laying from the 17th week which means, for optimum performance, they have to be separated from male line by 10th week (70 days). Hence, their feeding programs are slightly different. The feeding program is highlighted below based on the gender line:

i) Males
0-28 days: Broiler starter
29-70 days: Grower mash
Above 70 days: Broiler finisher

ii) Females
0-28 days: Broiler starter
29-98 days: Grower mash
Above 98 days: Layer mash

It takes four months to harvest and the farmers can get over 3kg of meat compared to cockerel which takes about six months to attain 2kg. If properly kept in a disease-free environment, the breed is always strong and healthy throughout the four months.

b) Space Requirement
Since noilers are more or less like broilers in term of body size and weight, a noiler bird require almost the same space like that of a broiler bird. A noiler needs 1.5 sqft in a deep litter system and 1.0 sqft in a slatted floor or cage housing system. The additional advantage of noilers is that they can be allowed to free-range in secured area after for weeks. Read more about Broiler Space Requirement.

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2) https://amobyng.com.ng/amo-noiler.html
3) https://www.dailytrust.com.ng/amo-noiler-the-chick-breed-that-excites-poultry-farmers.html


  1. thanks for share dear. if anyone want to read about manufacturing of pellet feed in feed mills for animals visit below

  2. How much feed will it take to raise 3000 noilers in 5-6months?

  3. After two months of feeding a noiler with normal feed if i feed them with my own formulated feed will they still gain the same weight like when they are fed with the normal feed?


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    You can visit and register with the company website here http://www.virtatrade.com to raise the fund you need now to go into your poultry farm business.

  5. How many bags of grower can 50 Noilers feed for the 29 to 70 days?

    1. How many bags of grower can 50 Boilers feed for the 29 to 70 fays

  6. Good day. Please how many kg of feed does a noiler (layers) need to feed on Per Day


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