Drop In Egg Production Or Quality

If drop in egg production affect your laying birds, you will notice that the hens are not producing as many eggs as they should for their age, you may see unusually shaped eggs: eggs with no shell, soft eggs, eggs that break easily, or that have abnormal contents when you break them and this will make people buying eggs from you to complain of poor quality. The only way these changes will be noticed is if you keep good records.

There are many different types of organisms that can cause a drop in egg production or quality. These include:
~ Bacteria (E. coli, Salmonella).
~ Mycoplasma.
~ Viruses (Newcastle disease, influenza, infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, avian encephalomyelitis, egg drop syndrome)
~ Inadequate quantity and quality of feed. 
~ Insufficient lighting system and time, layers need at least 16 hours of light on daily basis throughout the laying period. 
~ Invasion of ectoparasites like Mites and Lice. 

The treatment process will depend on the verified cause(s) of the infection. Some of the steps to take are:
1.) Consulting your animal health technician or veterinarian immediately. He/she may recommend a short course of antibiotics that could the bacterial infections.
2.) Adding vitamins and minerals to their drinking water or feed may also be of help.
3.) Prevent and treat external parasites as at when due. 
4.) Deworming you birds at interval of 6 to 8 weeks depending on worm load.
5.) Vaccinate your birds at 4 to 6 week interval. 

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